Airway Dentistry

Airway Dentistry is a growing field that’s focused on the structure of the mouth and how it impacts your breathing. By using an airway-centered approach to dental care, we can identify underlying structural causes of a sleep or airway issue and resolve symptoms.

  • Airway & Jaw Development Consultations

    We explore personalized solutions for optimal airway and jaw development with our consultations. Our team specializes in assessing and addressing issues related to airway function and jaw development, offering tailored recommendations to enhance your overall well-being and oral health.

  • Home Sleep Studies

    Prioritize your sleep health with our convenient Home Sleep Studies. These studies allow you to monitor your sleep patterns and identify potential sleep disorders from the comfort of your own home. Our comprehensive analysis then provides valuable insights into your sleep quality, facilitating targeted treatment plans for better overall health.

  • CO2 Laser Non-Ablative Soft Palate Tightening:

    Experience the benefits of non-invasive soft palate tightening with our CO2 laser technology. This advanced procedure utilizes laser energy to stimulate collagen production, enhancing the firmness and tone of the soft palate. Improve snoring and sleep quality without the need for surgery with this innovative and comfortable treatment.

  • Airway-Focused Orthodontics

    Transform your orthodontic experience with our airway-focused approach. We specialize in aligning teeth while considering the impact on airway function. From clear aligner therapy for adults to early interventions like Biobloc Expansion starting at age 3, our orthodontic solutions prioritize both aesthetics and the health of your airway.

  • Clear Aligner Therapy for Adults

    Achieve a straighter smile discreetly with our Clear Aligner Therapy designed specifically for adults. These transparent and removable aligners offer a comfortable and inconspicuous way to straighten teeth, allowing you to maintain your lifestyle while working towards your desired smile.

  • Biobloc Expansion (Starting Age 3)

    Start early with Biobloc Expansion, an orthodontic approach that begins as early as age 3. This method focuses on guiding proper jaw development, promoting optimal facial symmetry, and addressing potential airway issues. Early intervention can contribute to improved oral health and overall well-being.

  • Orthotropics

    Embrace Orthotropics, an orthodontic philosophy that emphasizes natural facial development and the relationship between oral posture and overall health. This approach aims to guide facial growth and achieve a harmonious balance between the teeth, jaws, and airway, contributing to both aesthetic and functional improvements.

  • Growth Guidance Appliances

    Explore innovative growth guidance appliances tailored to different age groups, including MyoMunchee, Myobrace, and Healthy Start. These appliances are designed to promote proper oral habits, jaw development, and facial symmetry, addressing issues early on for optimal growth and overall health.

Tethered Oral Tissues

Tethered oral tissues (TOTs) refers to restrictive tissue in the mouth that impacts how you are able to use your mouth.

TOTs can negatively affect breastfeeding/chest feeding, bottle feeding, chewing/swallowing, speech, sleep, breathing, and body movement or posture. There are many symptoms of TOTs and not everyone will have the same symptoms!

Dr. Jafari is a Breathe Institute Affiliate and performs Lip, Tongue & Buccal-tie releases using LightScalpel CO2 laser

  • Infant frenectomies

  • Kids and adults functional frenuloplasties (Zaghi’s method)


  • Tongue Tied - Richard Baxter DMD

    Breath - James Nestor

    Gasp! Airway Health - Dr. Michael Gelb

    Why We Sleep - Mathew Walker, Phd